Project collaborations

EMODnet Chemistry

Operation, development and maintenance of a European Marine Observation and Data Network

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lead Organization: Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale OGS, Division of Oceanography, Italy​

Duration: 2021-2023

ICES contacts: 

Neil Holdsworth, Head of Data and Information​
Lise Cronne-Grigorov​, Advice and Projects Officer​


EMODnet Chemistry aims to fu​rther the development of an operational service where marine chemical data, as well as the observations​​​ on which these data products were built, are made freely available.

The primary focus of the project is data and metadata of concentration of chemicals (i.e. pesticides, heavy metals, fertilisers, plastics, nutrient loads) in seawater, sediments and biota, particularly those relevant to the M​arine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)​ or to global climate change.

ICES role:

ICES leads the work package on user feedback, especially linking MSFD into the data product development of EMODnet Chemistry. ICES also contributes to data standards and harmonization.​

​This project has received funding from the European Commission's Europe​an Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).

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EMODnet Chemistry

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