From 15th to 19th July most of the world's leading stock assessment experts met in Boston to test and discuss stock assessment methods. The conference provided a forum for presentations on the application and future of stock assessment methods. It considered single stock approaches for data rich and poor stocks, and also multispecies and ecosystem based approaches. A two day workshop kicked off our deliberations. The conference proper (WCSAM) began on Wednesday 17th with a challenging key note by Sidney Holt. It was organised by researchers from a range of scientific institutions and RFMO across the world.
Over 220 participants from 27 countries took part. The poster session, panel discussion on communicating advice, conference dinner and the student lunch were all popular. Photos of the conference can be found on the ICES Facebook page.
The final report is now available. To download it use the button on the right.
The workshop presentations are now available via the workshop page on the left. The book of abstracts and timetable are available, use the top right hand button (READ THE ABSTRACTS). We are currently asking permission to show the conference presentations online.
Don't forget that the deadline for submissions to the Special WCSAM theme volume of ICES Journal of Marine Science is 30th August.