WCSAM 2013

Travel Bursaries

A limited number of travel bursaries have been alloted. The bursaries will generally cover part of the travel and accommodation expenses.
The deadline for application has now passed.

The bursaries will be paid after participation at the conference has been confirmed and will be paid through a bank transfer. Recipients of bursaries must provide their bank details to the conference desk during registration.

Three types of travel bursary were being offered to participants of WCSAM.

  1. Participants from developing nations (funded by FAO). This type of bursary is available to participants from developing nations in South and Central America, Africa and Asia.

  2. Experts in tuna stock assessment (funded by ISSF). This type of bursary is available to those that work for the tuna commissions or have a demonstrable expertise in the application of stock assessment methods to tuna stocks.

  3. Students or young scientists (funded by ICES). This type of bursary is available to students and young scientist (<30 years old).

The deadline for applications has now passed.

Successful applicants have been informed.

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Travel Bursaries

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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