WCSAM 2013


The setting for WCSAM

This initiative is designed to assure that scientists can apply the best stock assessment methods when developing management advice for fisheries management. It is hoped that this will benefit the entire international fishery science community. The initiative will contribute to the improved application of assessment methods, but it must be recognized that “best methods” is not a static definition. Rather, the set of available methods will continue to evolve and improve in response to lessons learned in their current application.

The objectives of the conference include:

  • explore the merits of available assessment methods for providing fisheries management advice
  • explore model performance across a range of factors through participatory workshops
  • consider how to determine the most appropriate method for individual cases
  • inform and educate about the range of available stock assessment methods
  • facilitate comparisons between methods through access to test data sets
  • generate ideas for the features of next generation assessment models

Highlights of the symposium will be published in the ICES Journal of Marine Science.

WCSAM will comprise of a two day workshop and a three day symposium, on 15 to 16th July and 17 to 19th July respectively.


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​The World Conference on Stock Assessment Methods for Sustainable Fisheries

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