WCSAM 2013

Conference Timetable

The four main sessions were single species assessments, ecosystem structure, spatial complexity and data poor approaches.

Read the timetable for the conference (see righthand action button READ TIMETABLE)​​​​​​​​​

The sessions were: 

  1. Key Challenges for Single Species Assessments – these include "Simplicity vs Complexity" such as how useful are ageing data?; considering doming and temporal trends in selectivity; analysing causes of retrospective patterns; and the estimation and use of stock-recruitment relationships.

  2. Assessing Ecosystem Dynamics & Structure – considering issues beyond single species stock assessment such as impacts of fishing on community structure, multispecies approaches, incorporating variable natural mortality.

  3. Spatial Complexity and Temporal Change – dealing with stock structure, assessing populations across space and impacts of changes in productivity. How should we deal with spatial and temporal structure and change?

  4. Data Poor Approaches – highlighting recent developments in data poor approaches. Scientists from many areas of the world are producing methods to assess data limited/poor stocks, is there a common theme/methodology developing?

There was also be a panel session on communicating assessments.

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​The World Conference on Stock Assessment Methods for Sustainable Fisheries

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Conference Timetable

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