WCSAM 2013

Publish in the ICES Journal

Special Volume of the ICES Journal of Marine Science on Stock Assessment Methods.

Participants of WCSAM are encouraged to submit their work for publication in a special issue of the ICES Journal of Marine Science.  Any work presented at or linked to WCSAM can be submitted. This is a great opportunity to create a themed resource document on the state of the art, the current challenges and the future needs of stock assessment methods. We are looking for manuscripts that report novel work, global views or strategic advances in assessment methods. We will also welcome well thought out opinion pieces. Unless they are exceptional in terms of scope, duration of time-series etc., purely descriptive work, or species- or region-specific case studies, will not be pursued. The Journal's Editor in Chief (Howard Browman) will be at WCSAM and will be available to chat about any ideas, questions or worries that you may have.

Please inform Mark Dickey-Collas and Steve Cadrin by email if you intend to submit a manuscript, giving the title and proposed abstract. The manuscript must be submitted via the Journal's online submission system by 30th August 2013. You must select "Conference on Stock Assessment Methods" from the special issue pull-down menu and also refer to this in your cover letter. All articles will undergo the standard peer review process which will be overseen by a member of the editorial board. You may identify one or more members of the editorial board who you think could handle your work. Please read the instructions to authors carefully.

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​Special Volume of the ICES Journal of Marine Science on Stock Assessment Methods.

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