ICES Annual Science Conference 2019

Side events and excursions

ASC 2019 offers an exciting line up of side events and excursions. Register early, as space is limited!

​​​​​​​​Monday, 9 September

Visit to R/V Svea

Visit the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences' (SLU) new research vessel

Science communications session​

Communicating your science with COMPASS:
Developing a message that resonates​

​​Wednesday, 11 September

BANOS CSA dialogue session​

A dialogue to define future Baltic and North Sea research and innovation needs 

​​Thursday, 12 September

IPBES and ICES seminar

Explore collaborative work opportunities between IPBES and ICES 

​Friday, 13 September

Excursion to Bohuslän​​​

Discover Swedish nature, coral reefs, and innovative research facilities

SCOR symposium
Rediscovering pelagic biodiversity: 
Progress, promise, and challenges of metabarcoding 
of microbes to mammals

Pre-conference workshop: 6-8 September

Course and workshop on size spectrum modelling
Learn and discuss advances in size spectrum modelling in beautiful Lysekil
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Side events and excursions

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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