Biodiversity is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history — threatening ecosystem services and grave impacts on people around the world are now likely. Established in 2012, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is an independent body often described as "the IPCC for biodiversity" and regarded as the global scientific and political platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services. The organization provides policymakers with objective scientific assessments about the state of knowledge regarding biodiversity, ecosystem services, and their contributions to human well-being, as well as tools and methods to protect and sustainably use these vital natural assets.
This side event will provide an opportunity to explore collaborative work between IPBES and ICES community for a transdisciplinary approach to advance our understanding of marine ecosystems and the services they provide at both regional and global scales.
The following topics will be under discussion:
coastal and marine topics in IPBES assessments
the Nordic initiative “Biodiversity and ecosystem services in Nordic coastal ecosystems- an IPBES like assessment"
links to work on ICES Ecosystem Overviews and Integrated Ecosystem Assessments (IEAs)
The event is free of charge and takes place at the University of Gothenburg's main building, Vasaparken, a short walk from the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Center. After the seminar, food and drinks will be served, 19:00–20:00.
Organizers: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, University of Gothenburg, and Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment.
This event is co-hosted and co-sponsored by Formas - the Swedish research council for sustainable development.