ICES Annual Science Conference 2019

Excursion to Bohuslän

Discover Swedish nature, coral reefs, and innovative research facilities!

Friday, 13 September

​​​​Sweden is unique due to Allemansrätten, the right to public access, which gives the opportunity to visit the archipelago that is beautiful this time of the year.

​The University of Gothenburg offers the ASC participants a full day excursion to Kosterhavet National Park and Tjärnö Marine Biological Laboratory. Take the opportunity to discover Swedish nature, coral reefs, and innovative research facilities. 

Kosterhavet Nation​al Park​ is Sweden's first marine national park and is located in the municipalities of Strömstad and Tanum. Kosterhavet is made up of everything from shallow eelgrass meadows to deep hard bottoms, and it has an unusual abundance of animals, plants and algae. About 6,000 different species live in the shallow coves and on the rocky shores. The waters around Koster conceal many fauna and algae that are not present anywhere else in Swedish seas. One of Sweden's two known coral reefs is here.

At Tjärnö Marin​e Biological Laboratory​, we will visit several research facilities such as the Seaweed house, used for macroalgae aquaculture research and development of blue biotechnology.


08:00 Departure from Gothenburg
(Bus departs från Svenska Mässan, entrance 8)

10:00 Meeting with researchers and guided tour at Tjärnö Marine Biological Laboratory

12:00 Boat tour to Ekenäs, Koster

12:30 Lunch and visit to Naturrum Kosterhavet

15:00 Boat tour back to Tjärnö through the Koster archipelago

18:00 Arrival in Gothenburg

Fee: 27 EUR (lunch and coffee included in the price)

Registration: Via conference registration

Registration deadline: 15 August 2019

Max number of participants: 45 (first registered, first served)​

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​Photo: Frida Winter, Göteborg&Co​

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Excursion to Bohuslän

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