ICES Annual Science Conference 2022

Theme sessions

Check out our theme session line up!

Abstract submission has closed. Notifications of acceptance to theme sessions has been sent to all presenters.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Theme session A

Oceanography and ecosystems in the North Atlantic: science and operational services

Tomasz Dabrowski (Ireland)
Caroline Cusack (Ireland)
Marcos Llope (Spain)

Theme session B

Spatial management, climate change,​ and biodiversity​​

Catarina Frazão Santos (Portugal)​
Andrew Kenny (UK)
Tundi Agardy​ (USA)

Theme session C​ 

Operationalizing resilience for climate change impacts​
(Co-sponsored by PICES)

Andrea Belgrano (Sweden)
Keith Criddle (USA)
Karen Hunter (Canada)
Mitsutaku Makino (Japan)​
Julie Kellner (ICES Secretariat)
Inigo Martinez (ICES Secretariat)

Theme session D

Processing and interpreting big data using machine learning: Acoustic, optic, and other observations in marine research

Nils Olav Handegard (Norway)
Wu-Jung Lee (USA)
Ketil Malde (Norway)

Theme session E

Understanding and anticipating extreme events: their frequency, severity, and impacts

Sarah Wakelin (UK)
Bryony Townhill (UK)
John Pinnegar (UK)
Nova Mieszkowska (UK)

Theme session F

Ocean futures: engaging science and society in visions of the future

Rachel Kelly (Australia)
Rebecca Shellock (USA)
Chris Cvitanovic (Australia)
Amanda Schadeberg (Netherlands)

Theme session G

Geohistorical records of climate and anthropogenic impacts on marine biota

Konstantina Agiadi (Austria)
Jessica Lueders-Dumont (USA)
Poul Holm (Ireland)

Theme session H

Impacts of human activities and pressures on seafloor ecosystems: past, present and future 

Bryony Caswell (UK)
Julian Burgos (Iceland)
Jan Vanaverbeke (Belgium)

Theme session I

Invertebrate life in three-dimensional habitat

Daniel Oesterwind (Germany)
Carlos Mesquita​ (UK)
Christopher Barrett (UK)

Theme session J

Temperature impacts on fish growth and consequences for fisheries

Paul Spencer (USA)
Asta Audzijonyte (Australia)
John Morrongiello (Australia)

Theme session K

Integration of fisher experiential knowledge (FEXK) into marine science and management​

Nathalie Steins (Netherlands)
Talya ten Brink (USA)
Julia Calderwood (Ireland)

Theme session​ L

Steering shipping impact prevention towards holistic marine management 

Cathryn Murray (Canada)
Ida-Maja Hassellöv (Sweden)
Okko Outinen ​(Finland)

Theme session M

Mixed fisheries within a changing ecosystem and socio-economic landscape 

Claire Moore (Ireland)
Dorleta Garcia (Spain)
Paul Dolder​ (UK)

Theme session N

The role of small-scale fisheries and communities in ocean governance

Sophia Kochalski (Spain)
Annette Breckwoldt​ (Germany)

Theme session O

Methodologies to assess the impact of offshore wind development on fishery data collections

Andrew Lipsky (USA)
Talya ten Brink (USA)
Andrew Gill (UK)

Theme session P

Growing together: prospects and opportunities for environmental DNA and fisheries sciences​ 

Stefano Mariani (UK)
Sofie Derycke (Belgium)
Tommaso Russo (Italy)

​Theme session​ Q

Sustainable aquaculture in a changing world

​Neil Ruane (Ireland)
Mike Rust (USA)
Julie Maguire (Ireland)

The​me session R

Scientific advances under ICES Science Plan

Jos Schilder (The Netherlands)
Antonina dos Santos (Portugal)
Lena Bergström (Sweden)

View the draft programme.


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Theme sessions

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