ICES Annual Science Conference 2022


We look forward to welcoming you to Dublin!

The registration fee includes morning and afternoon refreshments, lunch each day, as well as an exciting conference programme.

​​​​​​​​​Registration fees

​Standard fee: 390 Euros
​Council Delegates, ​ACOM & SCICOM members, ICES Expert Group Cha​irs, IJMS editors: 225 Euros
​Full-time Masters or Bachelors​ students: 210 Euros​
​One day fee: 120 Euros
​Online participation fee: 60 Euros
Go to online registration​.

​Media registration

All accredited journalists are able to attend the ASC free of charge. To attend please register by contacting Terhi Minkkinen, our communications officer. If you are registering on site, you can receive your press pass at the registration desk upon showing your Press card.​​​

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