ICES Annual Science Conference 2022

Guidelines for presenters

Find some guidelines on how to submit your presentations for the onsite conference in Dublin.

​If you are participating in the ASC in person in Dublin, read below how to make your flash presentations as well as posters for the poster session.

​How to prepare for your flash presentations 

  • Each conference day in Dublin starts with a flash presentation session. All presenters (oral and poster) from the day's theme sessions will give 2-minute flash talks with the main highlights of their work.​
  • The objective of the flash presentation is that it is a reminder of what has been presented in the 6-minute video or poster.
  • Presenters should keep in mind that the audience has had the chance to watch their video or see their poster beforehand.
  • Flash presentations should be a maximum of 2 minutes.
  • If you wish to use slides, PowerPoint is the preferred format. Animation and sound can be included. Please read below how to submit your presentation.​
  • Question and answer time should be saved for the afternoon theme session.

Submitting your presentation slides

All flash session, theme session, network session, and keynote session presentations must be uploaded to the SharePoint presentation site or submitted at the presentations desk no later than 16:00 the day before your presentation

You must respect this deadline. Any presentations that have not been submitted by the deadline will not be accepted in the session.

You can upload your presentation yourself to our SharePoint presentation site with the following credentials:
Username: ices\presenter
Password: Ices.Dublin

Please fill in all fields yourself and do not use auto-fill.

If you are a regular ICES SharePoint user, make sure you are not signed in with your SharePoint log in, or otherwise use an incognito browser to enter the presenter credentials.

Alternatively, you can hand in your presentation to our presentations desk in the foyer, close to the registration desk. As there may be a queue, especially during break times, online upload is preferable. 

Your presentation must be on a USB stick and you should have your CM code (for example S:22) ready. We can accept standard (4:3) or wide (16:9) aspect ratio presentations.

Poster presentations

If you are attending the ASC in person in Dublin, you are required to submit two versions of your poster, an electronic version (PDF) and a printed one. You are also invited to make a flash presentation of your work in the flash section of your theme session.​

​The poster exhibit takes place in the foyer of the Aviva Stadium, and is open for Monday morning from 9 am to Thursday afternoon. On Thursday 22 September all posters must be collected by 16:30.

When you bring your poster to the venue, report to the registration desk in the conference center foyer, where you will receive instructions about where to hang your poster. Posters will be grouped by theme session.

The poster session takes place on Tuesday 20 September at 17:30–19:30 at the foyer of the Aviva Stadium. At least one author of each poster must be available at the session to present their work.

​Printed poster format:

  • portrait format only
  • dimensions: maximum A0 size (84.1 x 118.9cm)
  • fittings will be provided


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Guidelines for presenters

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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