ICES Annual Science Conference 2022

What is hybrid ASC?

This year's ASC will be organized as a hybrid conference with options for both on site and online participation.

What does this mean?

​​​​​​​​​​​We will be using Whova, a conference app, to faciliate the hybrid format. Many conference elements will be available online via the app. However, there are some events that will only be available for participants that join us in person in Dublin.

Download the conference app. ​

Events available both online and onsite

​​Presentations and posters

All presentations are pre-recorded and accessible via the conference app two weeks before the conference starts and for three months after the conference ends, so that everyone has plenty of time to view them.

All participants are encouraged to use the time prior to the conference to see the presentations from their own theme session and other sessions they are interested in, as these talks will not be presented in the theme sessions taking place in Dublin.​

Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the presenters via the app. ​

Theme and network sessions

Theme and network session conveners are encouraged to organize their sessions in an interactive way. 

All theme and network sessions will be livestreamed via our conference app. Online participants can ask questions to session conveners and presenters via the app.

Keynote speeches

All keynotes will take place live at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin as well as being livestreamed via our conference app.

​Events happening in Dublin only

Flash presentations

​Each conference day in Dublin will start with a flash presentation session. All presenters (oral and poster) from the day's theme sessions will give 2-minute flash talks with the main highlights of their work. This will not be livestreamed on the app. You must be present in Dublin to present your work live and to see the flash presentations.

Poster session

A poster session is organized on Tuesday 20 September. Poster presenters will be available to talk about their work and answer questions.

​Social events

There are a number of social events taking place at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin. 
Read more.

Early career scientist events

Early career scientist events will take place at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin. Find out more. ​

Conference programme

​The conference programme is available online. ​A detailed programme with presenter information, abstracts, room allocations, etc, is available via the conference app. Download the app today! 

See you all at #ICESASC22, either in person or online!
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What is hybrid ASC?

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