ICES Annual Science Conference 2022

Connecting ICES expert groups to early career scientists

Join this interactive, fun & social network​ session.
Get to know various ICES expert groups and connect with other early career scientists at ICES.​

Monday 19 September 17:00 - 19:00
President's suite

ICES Strategic Initiative on the Integration of Early Career Scientists (SIIECS) seeks to encourage the inclusion of early career scientists (ECS) in ICES expert groups and to foster interdisciplinary work by connecting ECS active in the various expert groups (EGs).

At present, some EGs already include ECS, who actively contribute to and enrich the outputs of the groups by providing fresh perspectives and valuable input. However, the involvement of ECS is sporadic and relies on a more senior person bringing them into the EG. Not all ECS who have the potential to contribute to ICES EGs will have such contacts, which means that both ICES and many ECS are missing out on the mutually beneficial opportunity of engaging in EGs. 

​This network session aims to connect ECS with a wide variety of EG representatives. The session will provide an opportunity for EGs to showcase their work and recruit ECS to their group. In turn, ECS will get an overview of various EGs, ask questions to the EG representatives, and have the opportunity to join EGs of interest. Through the interactive session, ECS will also be able to connect with one another, enabling a rich information flow between different ICES EGs, which will be further facilitated by SIIECS beyond the ASC 2022.

The intended long-term impact is that ICES will become more easily accessible to its ECS. A higher influx of ECS will offer fresh perspectives and help share the workload within each expert group.​

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Alina Madita Wieczorek (Ireland)
Amanda Schadeberg (Netherlands)

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Connecting ICES expert groups to early career scientists

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