Strategic Initiative on Integration of Early Career Scientists

SIIECS is for anyone who identifies as an early career scientist (ECS) and who wants to be involved in ICES activities. Join us!

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As a networking platform, SIIECS provides early career scientists opportunities to meet, exchange and collaborate with one another, both within ICES and with other marine networks such as PICES​. A key goal of the initiative is to foster more interdisciplinary collaborations and approaches within ICES by connecting scientists from various expert groups.

​Interested in joining SIIECS?

​SIIECS is actively looking for new members. The group would like to extend a particularly warm welcome to newcomers to ICES from diverse backgrounds.​​

Interested in joining or finding out more? Contact us or sign u​​p online.



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International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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