Open science forum

Bridging the Baltic and the North Sea​

An open session to discuss cooperation on research programming in the Baltic and the North Sea.

Wednesday 21 September 15:00-16:30
Room: Omega 1

Invited panelists will share their views on progress and perspectives of the BONUS progra​mme as well as on the 2018–2020 work programme of the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.  Open discussion on current and starting projects, applicable results, interactions with ICES work, and on future call topics will follow.


  • Welcome and introduction (Wojciech Wawrzynski, ICES)
  • Presentation of current/future marine research funding opportunities in Europe (Nikos Zampoukas, EC)
  • Information on the new 'Blue Baltic' BONUS projects and an update on the BONUS2 process and its SRA (Andris Andrusaitis, BONUS EEIG)
  • Panel discussion on current and future research programming in the Baltic and the North Seas
  • End-users of science outputs/science community (attendees) to provide views and feedback
  • Yvonne Walther (Chair of ICES Science Committee)
  • Mats Svensson (Chair of the BONUS Steering Committee) - tbc
  • Fritz Köster (Vice Chair of the BONUS Steering Committee, 1st Vice President of ICES)
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