Project collaborations

Social network analysis of ICES Expert Groups

  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lead Scientist: Friederike Lempe, Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, Germany​​​​​​​​​​

  • Co-scientist: Dorothy J. DankelCentre for the Study of the Sciences & HumanitiesUniversity of Bergen, Norway

  • ​​​Project Objectives:​

    The main objective for this proposal is to give quantitative and qualitative insights in the network organization of the ICES Expert Groups: a dynamic toolbox for ICES to assess its preparedness and effectiveness in regards to its Strategic Plan.

    This study's objective is to conduct an intra-organizational network analysis, to assess network structures within ICES as an organization. How are the individual scientists organized in the vast landscape of over 220 ICES expert groups and what does this mean for the scientific and advice capacity of ICES as an institution? Based on various data sets and interviews, we visually and analytically examine the human links between expert groups and individuals. Our methods match expert group attendance to types of expertise, both the types that scientists offer and what chairs see that they need, and particularly those they lack. We will examine questions relevant to the management of ICES knowledge production using this data. For example, are there groups that act as knowledge brokers? The methods outlined in this paper will give us a picture of how the ICES network is actually working and insight to how it can more effectively give advice in support of an ecosystem approach to marine management.

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    Friederike Lempe (Lead Scientist), Dorothy Dankel (Co-scientist), and some people of the Working Group on Maritime systems (WGMARS)

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    Social network analysis of ICES Expert Groups

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