Project collaborations

IEA-Exchange Exchange of knowledge for Integrated Ecosystem Assessment

Exchange of knowledge for Integrated Ecosystem Assessment
  • ​Lead Scientist: Saskia A. Otto, Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science, Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN), KlimaCampus, University of Hamburg, Germany.

  • ​​​​​Co-scientist: ​Geir Ottersen, Research Group of Oceanography and Climate, Institute of Marine Research, Norway.​

Project Objectives

Integrated ecosystem assessments (IEA) are a set of approaches for organizing science in order to inform decisions in marine ecosystem assessments at multiple scales and across sectors. IEAs collate and analyse information of a wide range of ecosystem components and pressures. IEAs provide knowledge of the status, changes, relationships, and processes in an ecosystem. Within ICES, several working groups targeting IEA for different geographical areas have been established over the recent years. Despite the ICES IEA WGs being well coordinated, different approaches are being explored and there remains a need for further exchange of methodological expertise and experiences. IEA-Exchange aims to enhance the scientific foundation for an ecosystem approach to management of, in particular, the Norwegian and Barents Seas by transfer of knowledge on methods for IEA from other regions. The intent is a two-way exchange of knowledge so that also the non-Norwegian project members will gain knowledge that can be applied to their own systems.

We wish to review, compare, and evaluate existing methodologies for IEA and, if necessary, adjust these into the best feasible methods for running evaluations and assessments of the Norwegian and Barents Seas. 

The project will contribute to a review of methodologies applied for IEA, intended to be published as a peer reviewed journal article. Towards this a workshop on IEA will be arranged. Both experienced IEA WG chairs and early career scientists will be invited. 

The proposed plan supports ICES activities by contributing directly towards Goal 1 in the Strategic Plan and, in a longer time frame, hopefully also Goals 2 and 3.


Other scientists involved

Research Director and Co-chair WGINOR Geir Huse, Institute of Marine Research

Senior Scientist and Co-chair WGIBAR Edda Johannesen, Institute of Marine Research

Program Manager, Ecosystem Science Phillip Levin, NOAA,Northwest Fisheries Science Center, USA

Professor, Co-chair WGIAB and WGINOSE,Christian Möllmann, University of Hamburg​

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​Integrated Ecosystem Assessments  provide an analytical framework to implement the Ecosystem Approach to Management. The NOAA/Phil Levin approach was initially proposed in 2009 and has been further developed since.​​

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IEA-Exchange Exchange of knowledge for Integrated Ecosystem Assessment

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