Project collaborations

All Ocean Obs

Study for reporting obligations for ocean observation

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lead Organization: ​EuroGOOS

Duration: 2​022-2023

ICES contacts: 

Neil Holdsworth, He​ad of Data and Information​
Lise Cronne-Grigorov​, Project Officer​


All Ocean Obs contributes to the European Union initiative “Ocean Observation Sharing Responsibility” which aims to achieve a coherent approach to European ocean observation. 

Better coordination will allow Member States to build and operate marine observation infrastructure that meets their priorities and
maximises the potential of ocean observations by measuring once and using them for multiple purposes.

ICES role:

​Lead of Work Package 4 Data collection. This Work Package collects information for an example year (2022) from two non-landlocked EU Member States (Sweden and France) ​showing planned observations from a number of national bodies.

ICES contributes also to WP1 Current Practice in Observation Reporting, and WP2 Standards for Observation.

​​This project has received funding from the Euro​pean Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF).

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All Ocean Obs

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