Lead Organization: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Duration: 2016-2019
ICES contact: Wojciech Wawrzynski, Head of Science Support
Project objectives:
LME:LEARN aims to improve global ecosystem-based governance of Large Marine Ecosystems and their coasts by generating knowledge, building capacity, harnessing public and private partners and supporting south-to-south and north-to-south learning. A key element of this improved governance is main-streaming cooperation between LME, MPA, and ICM projects in overlapping areas, both for Global Environment Facility (GEF) projects and non-GEF projects. This full-scale project plans to support implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14 by achieving multiplier effects, demonstrating learning tools and toolboxes, and aiding practitioners and other key stakeholders conducting and learning from the current and past international waters GEF projects.
ICES role:
ICES leads the LME:LEARN Ocean Governance Working Group, and organizes training courses for LME practitioners and managers.
This project has received funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF).