Project collaborations

ICES Project Policy

Policy for the involvement of the ICES Secretariat in external projects.

The ICES Secretariat will be responsive to requests from member countries institutions to support the specific tasks of joint project proposals, working with any successful research project from within the ICES community should the consortium so wish. ICES is not actively seeking to directly or indirectly become a project partner of consortia applying for research tenders.

The Secretariat will be transparent about its association with a particular applicant so that other applicants have an equal opportunity to associate ICES with their applications. The Bureau will be informed of ICES participation in such projects at an early stage according to the project decision tree.

The Secretariat is in the position to develop projects on its own or to react on calls for proposals or tenders if ICES is in an outstanding position to fulfil the scientific tasks. The Secretariat then approaches the task as a potential coordinator of a project. ICES Secretariat approaches all member countries through their delegates, informs on the aims and process, and gives all member countries an equal opportunity to join.

More commonly, ICES is approached by member countries' institutions to support specific tasks in as project partner in a joint proposal. In principle ICES will work with any successful research project from within the community, should the consortium so wish and the work fits well with ICES structures and workplan. However if it intends to become a project partner of consortia, members should be asked if they have any objections.

A difficulty arises because as project partner ICES should respect the confidentiality expected from partners in the development of research proposals. In most cases the request will come from member country organizations that should not be prejudiced by ICES desire for transparency. In this case it is proposed that Bureau be asked to evaluate whether the request is consistent with the objectives of this guideline, and if ICES participation has an unfair influence in the funding process. If no agreement is achieved, ICES will refrain from taking part in the project.

In general, the Secretariat will be as transparent as possible in its association with a particular applicant while taking care of the confidentiality issues raised above.

ICES Secretariat, March, 2011

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ICES Project Policy

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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