Project collaborations


The European Catalogue of Sound Signatures project (ECoSS) develops an open library containing a curated and continuously growing digital catalogue and an AI-Classifier of individual sound signatures.

​​​​​Lead organization: ​Centro Tecnológico Naval y del Mar​ (CTN)​

Duration: 2023-2025

ICES contacts: 

Carlos Pinto​, Data Systems Analyst

Maria Makri, Data Officer

Luca Lamoni, Advice and Data Analyst

Neil Holdsworth​, Head of Data and Information

Lise Cronne-Grigorov, Project Officer


The European Catalogue of Sound Signatures (ECoSS) is a project aimed at creating an open catalogue of sound signatures (integrated in EMODnet physics) and a classifier that can be used to upload underwater sound files. Using AI algorithms, it can then identify specific signatures, e.g. sonars or marine mammals ( 

The project, funded by the European Union, aims to contribute to the implementation of the MSFD Descriptor 11 (Energy and Noise) by making possible the distinction between anthropogenic and biological sound sources. It may also contribute to species distribution data through sound identification.  

ICES role:​​

  • Leading role in Work Package 1 (WP1), which focused on the mapping and assessment of existing data repositories. This work involved developing a comprehensive database containing information on data sources, data providers, and repositories. As part of this activity, ICES identified and engaged with organizations responsible for collecting, storing, and sharing individual sound signatures, whether openly or otherwise.
  • ​Co-lead of the Task 8, which supports the implementation of EU legislation and ensures the active involvement of Regional Sea Conventions (RSCs).

​This project has received funding from the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency​ under the tender CINEA/2022/OP/0019​


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