Project collaborations


Co-creating a decision support framework to ensure sustainable fish production in Europe under climate change
​​​​​​​​Lead organization: University of Tromsø, Norway​​​

Duration: 2016-2020

ICES contacts: 

Anne Cooper​, Advisory Programme Professional Officer
Eirini Glyki, Advisory Programme Project​ Officer ​

​Project objectives:

  • The overall goal of ClimeFish is to help ensure that the increase in seafood production comes in areas and for species where there is a potential for sustainable growth, given the expected developments in climate, thus contributing to robust employment and sustainable development of rural and coastal communities.
  • ClimeFish will develop forecasts for production scenarios that will serve as input to socio-economic analysis and identify risks and opportunities regarding climate changes.
  • ClimeFish will provide guidelines for how to make climate-enabled management plans to prepare and adapt to climate change while minimizing economic losses and social consequences. The output of the project will be the ClimeFish Decision Support Framework (DSF), which contains guidelines, databases and the ClimeFish Decision Support System (DSS).

ICES role:

Knowledge bridging: ICES will work with stakeholders to generate useable knowledge on how climate change impacts fisheries

​This project has received funding from the ​​​European Commission - Horizon 2020​​ research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 677039.


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