Project collaborations


Towards a joint Baltic Sea and the North Sea research and innovation programme

​​​Duration: November 2018 - October 2021

Coordinator: BONUS ​EEIG

ICES contact person: Jörn Schmidt, Chair of ICES Science Committee

ICES contribution role:

  • defining the strategic research and innovation agenda
  • human capacity building ​

Major research and innovation funders of 12 countries are preparing a joint Baltic and North Sea research and innovation programme. The future programme will fund high quality science and innovation based on its joint marine and maritime strategic agenda in support of sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services. Together with ICES, HELCOM, OSPAR, and JPI Oceans as strategic partners, the BANOS CSA consortium is building the necessary preconditions for the future programme to start in 2021.​

​​Project objectives:

  1. Ensure a strong visibility and impact among the scientific community by creating an efficient communications and stakeholder engagement framework for the new programme and establishing strategies seeking synergies and harmonisation with the relevant regional sea conventions and ongoing national, regional, EU and international initiatives and institutions, as well as reinforcing pan-European collaboration among the regional sea basin programmes
  2. Develop a joint scientific-strategic research and innovation agenda in the regions surrounding both Sea basins in full consultation with the relevant stakeholders in the regions surrounding both sea basins.
  3. Facilitate and prepare for Administrative and financial integration by bringing together main national funding agencies and programme owners/managers of the participating countries.

This project has received funding from the ​​​European Commission - Horizon 2020​​ research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 817574.​.​

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