Project collaborations


Baltic Sea Pilot Project: Testing new concepts for integrated environmental monitoring of the Baltic Sea

​​​Lead Organization: Helsinki Commission HELCOM, Finland

Duration: 2013 - 2015 

ICES contact: Neil Holdsworth, Head of Data and Information​​​

Project objectives:
  • ​​​Develop integrated environmental monitoring in the Baltic to support the MS in implementing HELCOM BSAP and the MSFD;
  • Provide input to the development of online HELCOM monitoring manual (cataloguing current monitoring);
  • Focusing on gaps (fisheries, seals and seabirds, NIS, benthic habitats, coordination in research vessel use) provide recommendations for coordinated monitoring.

​ICES role:​

Sub-contractor for work package 2 (monitoring catalogue, recommendations and actions for streamlining of monitoring reporting and data management)


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