ICES Annual Science Conference 2022

The Kraken's Lair: EBM operationalization pitch pit!

​Can your idea survive?​

No matter how big or how small, we invite you to present your idea at the Kraken's Lair EBM pitch pit!

Tuesday 20 September 16:00 - 17:30
President's suite
​​​​​​We all know we should be doing Ecosystem-based Management – but it's about time we stop talking about it and start acting! 
The question is - how? We need YOUR ideas!

Join our interactive live session of EBM pitches, review and feedback by our world-class 'Krakens' and help us to uncover some pearls of wisdom that may just lead us to undiscovered treasures.

'Pitchers' are invited to pitch their 'big idea' for improving/operationalising EBM advice within ICES and beyond. Pitches can be anything from new smart technologies, to ideas for
better integration/communication, to practical EBM advice suggestions, to new research/monitoring/analysis methods/ideas, to new frameworks or ways of working, to
that really obvious thing everyone seems to be missing.

Inspired by the world famous Dagons Den and Shark Tank; in just 3 minutes, pitchers must:
  • Introduce the idea
  • Say how it progresses EBM
  • Explain why it is important
  • Tell what stage of development is it
Pitchers are encouraged to present with props and words only. If slides are needed, text should be avoided (images only). Pitchers are then questioned by the krakens, challenged on key areas, potential weaknesses, or asked to elaborate on specific aspects, prior to wider audience participation and feedback.

How to participate?

  • Email your big idea to Anna Davies at ICES Secretariat. 
  • Explain your idea in as few words as possible (>150 words)
  • Deadline: 30 June 2022 
​The Krakens
Our Krakens are expert scientists with key roles and insights into EBM and current institutional structures that will enable to them to provide insight and ask relevant critical questions. 
We have secured participation from:​
  • Ingrid Van Putten (CSIRO, Australia)
  • Jörn Schmidt (ICES Science Committee Chair)
  • Mark Dickey Collas (ICES Advisory Committee Chair)
  • Sarah Gaichas (NOAA, USA)

​The session is intended to be live, however if you cannot attend in person and would like to contribute, please get in touch to discuss!​

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Debbi Pedreschi (Ireland)
Marie-Julie Roux (Canada)

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The Kraken's Lair: EBM operationalization pitch pit!

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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