ICES Annual Science Conference 2022

Advancing the pathways for oceanography to ecosystem science and advice

Network session
Monday 19 September 17:00 - 19:00
President's terrace

​​​​​​​​.Did you know that oceanographic data and expertise are already well established within ICES Science Plan? Have you been wondering where oceanographic data could improve the advice and science you provide?

​Join this network session to discuss the pathways for oceanographic processes and conditions to become embedded in ICES advisory network.​

Oceanographic processes and conditions are critical for marine ecosystem function and productivity. Over recent decades, the uptake of oceanographic data by other disciplines within ICES has improved, but there is acknowledgement that the understanding of physical and chemical processes, and the observations of these, could be further integrated into the advisory processes in ICES. 

In this network session, we seek to continue the dialogue between ICES oceanography expert groups (WGOOFE, WGOH, MCWG) and those active within the ICES advisory and scientific structure to develop a pathway to further integrate oceanographic data and expertise into the advisory process and other activities by ICES numerous and diverse expert groups.
​After some scene setting presentations, participants will be invited to take part in guided and interactive discussions to further establish the pathways in which oceanographic data and expertise could be built into the advisory mechanisms.​
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Advancing the pathways for oceanography to ecosystem science and advice

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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