ICES Annual Science Conference 2024

Excursions and side events

ASC 2024 offers an exciting line up of excursions.

You can purchase tickets for the excursions when registering for the ASC.
Registration deadline for all excursions: 1 September 2024

​​​​​​​​Monday, 09 September


Tour o​​​f Northum​​​berland IFCA Research and Patr​ol Vessel 

Visit the research and patrol vessel and learn about inshore fisheries management in England. ​


Newcastle Quaysi​​de – tidal floating ecosystem walking tours​

Explore the experimental floating tidal ecosystem as an experimental flood management system in urban waterways!

​​Tue​​sday, 10 September

12:00-13:00 and ​18:00-19:00

Tour of ​​Northumberland IFCA Research and Patr​ol Vessel

Visit the research and patrol vessel and learn about inshore fisheries management in England. ​


Newcas​tle Quayside – tidal floating ecosystem walking tours​

Explore the experimental floating tidal ecosystem as an experimental flood management system in urban waterways!


Tour of the Wat​​chh​ou​se Museum North Shields

Come and visit the iconic Watchhouse museum!

AQUARIUS  Project  Brokerage event​

Launching the AQUARIUS Transnational Access Portfolio to the Marine and Freshwater Research Community​​

​Wednesday, 11 September


Tour of​​ Northumberland IFCA Research and Patr​ol Vessel

Visit the research and patrol vessel and learn about inshore fisheries management in England. ​​​


Newcastle Quayside –​ tidal floating ecosystem walking tours​

Explore the experimental floating tidal ecosystem as an experimental flood management system in urban waterways!

​Thursday, 12 September

12:00-13:00 and ​18:00-19:00​

Tour of Northumbe​​​rland IFCA Research and Patr​ol Vessel

Visit the research and patrol vessel and learn about inshore fisheries management in England. ​​


Newcastle Quayside – tidal floating ecosystem walking tours​

Explore the experimental floating tidal ecosystem as an experimental flood management system in urban waterways!


Tour of the W​​​atch​​house Museum ​North Shields

Come and visit the iconic Watchhouse museum​!​

Newcastle University Dove Marine Laboratory​​​

Alumnus of Newcastle​ University are keen to encourage alumnus to attend this event but welcome all ASC attendees.

Join our local expert & embark on a tour around the oldest & most historic areas of the city whilst learning about its darker, often violent past.

Friday, 13 September


Tees Tidelands – coastal restoration/RSPB visit​

Come and enjoy this 4-hour tour of the Tees Tidelands project!

Join this excursion to learn about the Wild Oysters Project!


Stronger Shores - Seagras​​​s Container Visit​

Join the Tees Rivers Trust and meet with their Coastal and Estuary Team at their mariculture facility at PD Ports, Hartlepool.

Northumberland WADER Project​​

Joi​n this excursion to experience some of the demonstration activities and nature-based solutions that are being implemented as a result of the research that has taken place.


You can register for the excursions when registering for the conference! If you have already registered for the conference, send us an email and we will send you a excursion registration link. 

But hurry, deadline for registrations for all excursions is 1 September 2024!


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Registration: Sign up for the excursion at the same time as you register for the ASC. If you have already registered for the conference, send us an email​ and we will send you a excursion registration link.  ​
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Excursions and side events

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