Human impacts on marine functional connectivity

Travel grants

Applications for ICES Early Career Scientist and Sea-Unicorn travel support are now closed.
​​​​​​​​​​​​Our symposium is an in person event, online participation is not possible. Limited funds are available to support travel and accommodation for:
Applications for ICES and Sea-Unicorn ​​travel support are submitted with your abstract submission, deadline: 5 December 2022.

PAGES travel support

Limited funding for participating to Workshop 1: "Geohistorical perspectives on functional connectivity patterns" has been made available to early-career scientists by PAGES through the Q-MARE working group. To apply please email a 2-page CV and 1-page motivation letter indicating how your research is related to the workshop's aims and what the benefit of participation will be to your career to [email protected] or [email protected] by 31.01.2023.​​

ICES Early Career Scientist travel support

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) is offering limited financial support for early career scientists to help partially cover travel and accommodation costs. 

Limited funds are available from ICES to assist early career scientists (35 years of age or younger or no more than 5 years post PhD), provided they have an oral or poster abstract accepted in one of the theme sessions. Priority for support will be given to early career scientists (including students, postdocs, and other early career ocean professionals) that are nationals of and/or have an institute affiliation in one of  ICES Member Countries.

Early career scientist awardees will be selected based on 1) the scientific relevance of their research to the symposium, and 2) consideration of broad representation (including regional, gender, career stage, topical expertise).

Support for early career scientists consists on a fixed grant of 600€ for attendees coming from European institutes or 1000€ for attendees coming from non-European institutes.

​How to receive your travel support: Support is contingent on in person attendance at the symposium. Upon check in at the symposium, awardees will be provided travel reimbursement forms to arrange direct transfer of funds from ICES to the travel support awardees.

Sea-Unicorn travel support

Members of the Sea-Unicorn COST Action can apply to the consortium for travelling and accommodation grants. Due to the limited funds available to assist the participation of Sea-Unicorn members, grantees will be selected based on 1) the scientific relevance of their research to the symposium, and 2) consideration of broad representation (including origin, gender, career stage).

Grantees will be reimbursed for the expenses related to their participation in this symposium after the event. To estimate the expenses eligible for reimbursement please read the COST Rules of Reimbursement.

​How to receive your travel support: Support is contingent on in person attendance at the symposium. Grantees will be reimbursed for the expenses related to their participation in this symposium after the event, provided they have signed the attendance list daily and they provide a reimbursement claim within 15 days a​fter the event with original supporting documents.

Important notice

Please note that symposium organizers cannot reimburse travel expense losses due to COVID-19 or other reasons, and this coverage and travel insurance protection should be supported by the home institutions of the symposium participants. As such, you are strongly encouraged to discuss your travel arrangements with your home institutions prior to booking travel and accommodation, and wherever feasible, book refundable options.

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Travel grants

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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