Human impacts on marine functional connectivity

Theme sessions

Join these engaging theme sessions!

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Theme sessions are focused on changes in marine functional connectivity in response to human activities and in the management strategies to mitigate changing marine connectivity and uncertainty in its forecasts.

1 - Pervasive human impacts on the environment and trends in marine connectivity
Conveners: Audrey Darnaude (France), Konsantina Agiadi (Austria)

​​2 - Responses of marine connectivity to environmental extremes and incidental human impacts
Conveners: Lucía López López (Spain), Susanne Tanner (Portugal), Filip Volckaert (Belgium)

3 - Human impacts on species phenology and seasonality in marine connectivity
Conveners: Manuel Hidalgo (Spain), Antonina dos Santos (Portugal), Filipe Martinho (Portugal)

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Theme sessions

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