Human impacts on marine functional connectivity

3 - Human impacts on species phenology and seasonality in marine connectivity

Conveners: Manuel Hidalgo (IEO- CSIC, Spain), Antonina do Santos (IPMA, Portugal), Filipe Martinho (CFE - University of Coimbra , Portugal)
​​​Marine ecosystems are characterized by strong seasonal variability in productivity and critical ecological processes across multiple trophic levels, shaping population and ecosystem dynamics. Climate change is known to substantially shift the timing of key seasonal processes, while supplementary human pressures can also impact functional connectivity.

This session calls for studies assessing impacts on connectivity processes through direct or indirect human-induced alteration of the timing of environmental and/or ecological seasonal events. ​​​

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​Keynote speaker: Clarissa Endo​​
Human impacts on the early life stages and the consequences to marine connectivity
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3 - Human impacts on species phenology and seasonality in marine connectivity

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