ICES Annual Science Conference 2021

Early Career Scientists

Join our Early Career Scientist Day, open to all ICES ASC 2021 registered participants.

Thursday 2 September
14:00–17:45 CEST

​​​​Open to all registered ASC participants - register today​!


​14:00 Welcome
David Miller, ICES, your host for the day is ready to welcome you to this virtual Early Career Scientist event!

14:05 What is ICES?
An introduction to those new to ICES.
How do I get involved? Why should I get involved?
Jörn Schmidt, Chair of ICES Science Committee & Mark Dickey-Collas, Chair of ICES Advisory Committee

14:35 Introducing the new ICES Strategic Initiative  for the Integration of Early-Career Scientists (SIIECS)
Amanda Schadeberg & Fedor Lishchenko, Co-chairs of SIIECS 

15:05 Join ICES/PICES Early Career Scientist Conference
What to expect in St.Johns, newfoundland in May 2022
Rasa Morkūnė and Szymon Smoliński, members of the Scientific Steering Committee

15:20 Let's meet!
ICES ASC 2021 may be virtual but we can still have a networking session to meet new colleagues!
This event is for all registered early career scientists. If you are not registered for the ASC as an early career scientist and would like to take part, please mail your interest to [email protected].  

15:50 Tips on how to navigate the rapidly changing landscape of scientific publishing
Increase your understanding of the scientific publishing environment.
Howard Browman, Editor-in-Chief of ICES Journal of Marine Science.

16:45 Mentor Hour
(requires pre-registration)

Join this Round Table event where you have the opportunity to speak with the following senior scientists within ICES: 

Pre-registration required for this round table event.
Pre-register by mailing your interest to [email protected].

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Early Career Scientists

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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