ICES Annual Science Conference 2024

Novel engagement and communication tools for science and decision making for ecosystem-based management

Advancing EBM requires the co-development of scientific research with a variety of beneficiaries. Such transdisciplinary processes require novel ways to engage with audiences. Let’s get creative about communication in science for marine management!

​​Sustainable management of marine social-ecological systems involves the consideration of a variety of dimensions: social-cultural, economic, governance, and ecological. Working in transdisciplinary contexts - where experts, stakeholders, and other knowledge holders collaborate and co-create - requires effective engagement and communication around complex information with diverse audiences to co-develop scientific advice for decision-making. Thus, novel approaches are needed.

In this session we will present and discuss the breadth of innovative engagement and communication tools for reaching diverse audiences to advance systems-based management: Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries Management (EAFM), Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (EBFM) and Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM). We will co-produce a group exhibition on novel engagement and communication tools that have been applied to marine management (e.g. videos, theatre productions, art, games, interactive dashboards), highlighting “out-of-the-box" approaches for creating and delivering scientific advice. We will explore successes, failures, lessons learned, and guidance for future efforts.

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Jamie C Tam (Canada)
Louise Gammage (South Africa)
Geret DePiper (US)

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Novel engagement and communication tools for science and decision making for ecosystem-based management

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