ICES Annual Science Conference 2024

Theme session O

From microbes to zooplankton: Forecasting ecosystem dynamics in a changing ocean

​​​​​​​​​​​​While our understanding of the marine ecosystem has improved over the decades, in part due to technological advances, a research bias still exists towards charismatic species and thos​e of economic importance. With climate change and anthropogenic pressures already pushing species towards their tolerance thresholds, a lack of baseline data for much of our marine microbial life leaves them vulnerable and understudied at a critical point in time. Changes in microscopic life such as range-shifts and species composition often act as a proxy for the response of larger organisms, so it is important to monitor these overlooked microbial communities and plankton.

This theme session provides the opportunity to discuss the latest research on marine microbes and plankton within the context of ecosystem dynamics. 

Topics during the theme session will include:
  1. adaptations and acclimatization of microbial and plankton communities with changing ocean variables
  2. ​impacts of marine microbes and plankton on ecological processes such as biogeochemical recycling, the biological carbon pump, biophysical interactions, and trophic level interactions
  3. time series and environmental monitoring of biodiversity and community dynamics of microbes and plankton
We welcome abstracts concerning taxa from bacteria and protists to zooplankton, including studies on but not limited to omics approaches, biogeography, experimental studies and mode​lling. Those with an emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches to understand the impacts on an ecosystemic scale would be of particular relevance.
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Emily Chen (Poland)
Lik Theng Ho (Norway)​
Mercedes Chumbley (Germany)
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Theme session O

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