ICES Annual Science Conference 2024

Newcastle University Dove Marine Laboratory

Alumnus of Newcasle University are keen to encourage alumnus to attend this event but welcome all ASC attendees.

Thursday 12 September

The Dove Marine Laboratory represents a history of over 110 years of marine science in the north east of England. The Dove has always played an important part in teaching and research of marine sciences at Newcastle and many alumnus have fond memories of being at Cullercoats during their studies. Now part of Newcastle University’s School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, parts of the Dove have been modernized​ for contemporary teaching but the historic character remains. We have recently established new aquaria facilities and further proposed redevelopments are taking shape. We would like to invite you to spend an evening with us at the Dove Marine Laboratory for a drinks reception, a building tour and to find out more about the first steps into the next 100 years of marine science in the north east.  

17:00 – Travel from Newcastle to the Dove Marine Laboratory
17:30 – 19:30 – Drinks and Canapes Reception 

Max number of participants: The visit is limited to a number of 40 participants and seats will be given on a first come, first served basis. ​

Fee: 20€​

Registration: Sign up for the excursion at the same time as you register for the ASC. If you have already registered for the conference, send us an email and we will send you a excursion registration link.  ​

Your registration is binding once you have received a confirmation from ICES. Please make sure to cancel your slot if you are unable to attend. There will be a waiting list if the interest exceeds the limited number.​​​​

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Newcastle University Dove Marine Laboratory

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