ICES Annual Science Conference 2023

Guidelines for presenters

Presententing at the ASC? Find information on how to submit your presentation.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Oral presentations

Accepted authors will be invited to prepare an 8-minute presentation of their work. Oral presentations can be presented in person at a theme session at the venue in Bilbao, or, if the presenter is participating remotely, via a pre-recorded video. These videos are played as part of the presentations in each theme session.​​

Oral presentations – In-person

In-person oral presenters need to prepare an 8-minute presentation for the theme session at the conference venue in Bilbao.

All presentations must be submitted to ICES Secretariat by 28 August prior to the ASC.

There is no option for submitting presentations at the venue. 

We will be in touch soon with further instructions on how to submit your presentation slides.

​Oral presentations – Remote

Remote oral presenters need to prepare an 8-minute pre-recorded video for online submission. 

The presenting author needs to record a presentation that concisely summarizes the research question, the methods used, the results, and their significance. The remote presenter is asked to participate the theme session online in order to answer questions during the session Q&A.​

​All pre-recorded videos must be submitted to ICES Secretariat by 7 August. ​

More information where to submit your video will follow. ​

​​​Video quality/format requirements:

  • ​Duration: 8 minutes maximum, same as in-person presenters
  • Preferably MP4 format 
  • 1080p resolution or higher 
  • If you are using a traditional PowerPoint presentation, please make sure you are using widescreen aspect ratio (16:9). 
  • Use the camera from your laptop or smartphone to record yourself speaking
  • File size: < 500 MB​​​​​​ 
​​​​​​Some general tips:​
  • ​Centre yourself in the frame of the camera and talk to the lens of the camera (as if you were talking to your audience)
  • Use headphones/headset for good audio quality 
  • Find a spot in a well-lit environment with indirect light and a neutral or work-related background
  • Avoid noisy environments and surprises​
  • Consider adding Closed Captions to your presentation to make it more accessible and to make your points clearer. Use this guide for a PowerPoint-based recording or use one of the freely available tools found online

Poster presentations

Poster presenters need to prepare a poster for print and exhibition in-person at the conference venue in Bilbao.

Printed poster format

Present your poster in portrait format only. Posters in landscape format will not be exhibited. The dimensions of the poster should be maximum A0 size (84.1 x 118.9cm). Fittings will be provided. Poster authors are asked to carefully observe the size restrictions, as we cannot otherwise display your poster. 

Poster authors are requested to bring their poster to the poster exhibit at the conference venue, where it will be received and displayed by ICES staff. Do not try to display your poster yourself. 

Poster session

​The poster session will be held on Tuesday 12 September from 16:00–19:30. At least one author of each poster must attend the session to present their work. 

Posters in Whova

Poster presenters are asked to make their poster available in the Whova conference app before the conference begins on 11 September. Invitation emails to upload your profile info and your poster PDF in Whova have been sent out. If you haven't received this yet, contact [email protected].​​​​​

Assigned contacts for Expert Group posters do not need to upload a poster pdf.​​

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Guidelines for presenters

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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