ICES Annual Science Conference 2023

Theme session M

Putting more science in: stakeholder engagement in marine research and policy processes

Monday 11 September
13:00–15:00 and 15:30–17:30
Room 0E

Tuesday 12 September
Room 0A
​​​​​​​​Stakeholder engagement has become mainstream in participatory research and policy processes in the marine realm. This has been driven by the paradigm of governance, and the advances towards new modes of producing science.

Nowadays we have a myriad of guides, best practices, lessons learnt and recomm​e​ndations for a successful implementation of participatory processes. These build on empirical findings and comparative analyses across fields, sectors and geographical levels. Nonetheless, engagement with stakeholders remains a multi-layered and challenging component of the scientific process.

The evidence available has prompted new scientific questions that call for collective thinking – questions that are well-placed also in ICES realm where engagement is practiced in increasingly many forms. 

This session is designed to catal​yse the debate across ICES community, focusing on three topics:

  • Conceptual​ challenges. Do we need to coin new labels? Stakeholders, right holders, the ones to be holders, and other creatures
  • Analytical challenges. Do we have the right frameworks and tools to understand and assess stakeholder engagement performance?
  • U​ncomfortable truths. Sharing experiences on stakeholder engagement and reflecting on factors such as power asymmetries, tokenistic engagement, or legitimacy
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Marta Ballesteros (Spain)
Vera Köpsel (Germany)
Steve Mackinson (UK)​
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Theme session M

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