ICES Annual Science Conference 2023

Pintxos Tour

Join us on a bar hopping tour where we'll explore the art of pintxos!

Monday, 11 September
20:00 - 23:00
Church of San Nicolás

Thursday, 14 September
Church of San Nicolás

​​​​​​​​​Pintxos are genuine miniature works of a kind. They are produced by combining all types of products, traditional and modern. The list of pintxos can be infinite as it depends on the chef’s imagination. In many bars, they exhibit their own creations and specialties, and in Euskadi, to eat well no sitting would be required. The tasting of the Pintxos is usually linked to the ritual of ‘txikiteo’, which is to go from one bar to another tasting wines, ciders or ‘zurito’ (small doses of beer).

The event starts at S. Nicolas Church which is a 30 minute walk from the conference centre. ​

Max number of participants: The visit is limited to a number of 20 participants and seats will be given on a first come, first served basis. ​

Fee: 47 EUR (8 pintxos & 3 drinks + 1 dessert per person included)

Registration: Sign up for the excursion at the same time as you register for the ASC. If you have already registered for the conference, send us an email and we will send you a excursion registration link.  

Your registration is binding once you have received a confirmation from ICES. Please make sure to cancel your slot if you are unable to attend. There will be a waiting list if the interest exceeds the limited number.​

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Image by Iñigo De la Maza​

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Pintxos Tour

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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