ICES Annual Science Conference 2023

OSPAR’s Quality Status Report: delivering your science to policy makers

​This will be the first time that the findings of OSPAR's 2023 Quality Status Report will be presented in public.

This event coincides with the formal publication of the OSPAR Commission's​ 2023 Quality Status Report, which is the most authoritative assessment of the health of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic.

This session will highlight the results of this once-in-a-decade assessment and showcase the role of experts and scientists and how their work is used to support policy. We hope to hear from the audience how best to engage with the ICES scientific community and improve the connections between scientists and policy makers in OSPAR.

​The Quality Status Report (QSR) 2023 reflects the collective work of the 16 Contracting Parties to the OSPAR Convention, scientists, experts, and their institutions, and the OSPAR Secretariat. It assesses the status of various components of the North-East Atlantic and examines how conditions have changed since the last QSR in 2010. The OSPAR Contracting Parties have progressively invested in more sophisticated monitoring and analysis of changes to the North-East Atlantic, both to support science-based decision making and to move towards a better understanding of the effectiveness of management and policy responses. The resulting QSR 2023 is a holistic assessment of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic produced in collaboration with over 400 scientists and policy experts from across the region, providing a foundation for effective science-based policy.​​​



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Dominic Pattinson (Executive Secretary, OSPAR Commission) 
Dr Lisette Enserink (Co-chair of the QSR Coordination Team – Senior Adviser, Netherlands) 
Dr Patrick Roose (OSPAR ICG-QSR Co-convenor – Director, Belgium)​
Dr. Jos Schilder (Senior Adviser, The Netherlands)
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OSPAR’s Quality Status Report: delivering your science to policy makers

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