ICES Annual Science Conference 2023

From stock assessments to offshore wind planning: Working toward enhanced utilization of fishery dependent information

Brainstorming best practices for the collection and application of fisher’s information: join the discussion!

​Wednesday 13 September
9:00–​10:30​ Room 0E​​

​​​​​​Using fishers' and processors' knowledge​ to inform catch-per-unit effort indices in stock assessments, fishers' logbooks to estimate the economic impact of offshore wind energy development, and fishers' ecological knowledge to identify oceanographic drivers and climate impacts on resource species.

​​​​Fishery-dependent data and fisher's tacit knowledge are rich sources of information about fishery dynamics and the ocean environment and are becoming more readily available in standardized formats. Despite this, these types of data are underused in marine science and fisheries management. 

To understand how to make better use of this unique and detailed informational resource, we aim to present and discuss collaborations between science and industry, with a focus on data application.  

We will discuss a range of fishery-dependent data types and research programs to develop guidelines that enhance the collection and application of this information. 

Join this session to chart a path towards maximizing the utility and impact of fishery-dependent data and fisher's tacit knowledge to address science questions and inform ocean management across ICES ecoregions.

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​Photo: S​vanhildur Egilsdottir

Anna Mercer (US)
Nathalie Steins (Netherlands)
Steve Mackinson (UK)
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From stock assessments to offshore wind planning: Working toward enhanced utilization of fishery dependent information

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