ICES Annual Science Conference 2023

Aquaculture in ICES: from science to advice

Connecting experts across the network and with ICES science and advice leadership.

​Wednesday 13 September
Room 0D​​

​​​​​​​​​Join the aquaculture science and advice networking session! 

​​​​ICES work on aquaculture is part of a wider portfolio of work that seeks to advance and share a scientific understanding of marine ecosystems and the services they provide, and to use this knowledge to generate state-of-the-art advice for meeting conservation, management, and sustainability goals.

There are two aims for this networking session: 

  1. To facilitate the wider engagement of subject matter experts in fields related to marine aquaculture science, policy, and management within the ICES community, 
  2. To engage experts in building ICES aquaculture advisory capacity.

The session will explain ICES advisory framework and advice ​products (overviews, special requests, and viewpoints) and articulate opportunities to engage and contribute (as subject-matter experts, peer reviewers, and advice drafters) with ICES advice. 

Participants will identify and discuss topics for aquaculture advice and suggest which ecoregions should have the next ICES Aquaculture Overviews​ produced. 

The session will provide networking opportunities with the goal of building a robust and diverse network of experts ready and interested in contributing to ICES advice.

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Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, Norway
​Anne Cooper, ICES
Henn Ojaveer, Vice-Chair of ICES Advisory Committee

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Aquaculture in ICES: from science to advice

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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