Early Career Scientist Conference

Key dates for ECSC4

Important dates to keep in mind!

 14 October 2021​ - Call for abstracts open

  • Abstract submission opens
  • Pre-registration opens
  • Travel support application opens

 17 December 2021 - Deadline for abstracts

  • Abstract submission closes
  • Pre-registration closes
  • Travel support application closes​

 28 February 2022 - Notification                         

  • All applicants notified of abstract acceptance​ and financial support

​17 April 2022 - Confirmation of acceptance

  • All accepted participants must confirm their place by registering on Whova no later than 17 April

18–21 July 2022 - Conference


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Key dates for ECSC4

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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