For each oral presentation, a timeslot of 15 minutes is reserved in the conference schedule. Oral presenters should prepare presentations of 10–12 minutes, leaving time for questions within the 15-minute time slot.
Each theme session will close with a plenary discussion and conclusion led by the theme session conveners.
How to submit your presentation slides
Find the instructions for how to submit your presention for the ECSC4 here. All presentations must be submitted in a PPT or PDF format via the link above.
Friday 15 July 2022 is the deadline to submit your presentation.
Poster presentations
Posters will be on display for the first two days of the conference (Monday 18–Tuesday 19 July).
Two dedicated poster sessions will be held. The first will take place on Monday evening, the second on Tuesday evening. Poster presenters are asked to be available during the two poster sessions for questions and discussions.
Please bring your printed poster to the conference.
Note the maximum poster dimensions of 91 inches x 45 inches (231cm x 114cm).
You are welcome to include a picture of yourself and a QR code (e.g., to link to your LinkedIn profile or webpage) on the poster.
Additionally, a digital version of your poster can be made available in the conference app. If you would like to avail of this opportunity, email your poster to:
[email protected]