Early Career Scientist Conference

2 ​Inclusive, interdisciplinary, and transparent ocean sciences

Science, management, and policy for a sustainable and productive Blue Economy
​​​​​​​​​According to the goals of the UN Ocean Decade, a healthy, resilient, and productive ocean is one where marine ecosystems are understood, protected, restored, and sustainably managed, and which contributes to the Blue Economy. 

Many nations have adopted the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including Sustainable Development Goal 14 which aims to conserve and sustainably use the seas and marine resources for sustainable development. 

In this session, we welcome interdisciplinary presentations pertaining to innovative ocean resource management and policy contributing to ocean resource sectors (renewable and non-renewable resources), tourism, and transportation, as well as management and policy towards a productive and clean ocean. 

Potential topics include advances in management strategy evaluation, fisheries stock assessments, ecosystem-based approaches, High Seas governance, marine spatial planning, and assessing and providing advice to manage, mitigate, and eliminate anthropogenic sources of pollution (plastics, oil, shipping noise, etc.). ​

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Heejoong Kang (South Korea)
Raphael Roman (Japan) ​​
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2 ​Inclusive, interdisciplinary, and transparent ocean sciences

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