Early Career Scientist Conference

2 ​Inclusive, interdisciplinary, and transparent ocean sciences

Human–ocean interactions
​​​​​​​​​​​Marine social sciences are an integral part of the understanding, protection, and stewardship of ocean resources. Coastal communities and indigenous peoples, who have relied on ocean resources for centuries, if not millennia, harbour a diversity of  knowledge, knowledge systems, and relationships with the ocean. 
Recognition of this diversity and inclusion into the development of research and policy should be an integral part of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development activities. 

In this session, we invite presenters to share research and policy experience related to social, economic, institutional, and cultural considerations that impact ocean sustainability, social-ecological resilience, human well-being, and food security, among many other topics. 

We especially encourage transdisciplinary research approaches, collaborative and inclusive research, and policy development as well as recent work addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated recovery strategies.​​
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Children pushing a fish cart. Photo © Dr Kenny Broad University of Miami .


Raphael Roman (Japan)
Julie Marentette (Canada)​
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2 ​Inclusive, interdisciplinary, and transparent ocean sciences

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