Early Career Scientist Conference

1 Ecosystem and ocean processes

Biodiversity and ecosystem functions

​​​​​​​​Biodiversity is a strong determinant of ecosystem functions and services, such as productivity and nutrient recycling. From microorganisms to plants and large animals, all biological compartments are key to the maintenance of ocean ecosystem services. Increasing our knowledge of the composition and dynamics of biological communities is crucial for prediction of the vulnerability and evolution of marine (coastal and open ocean) ecosystems in future scenarios. 

In this session,​ we invite studies that assess the diversity, distribution, and activity (including the expression of functional genes) of biological communities in their natural environment as well as use experimental or culture-based approaches. 

Presentations may include, but are not limited to, innovative approaches ranging from microscopy, flow imaging and remote sensing, to molecular tools such as high throughput genetics (e.g. (meta)barcoding, -omics).​
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Spectacular gorgonians, reef-building coral, and bright red sea spiders on Anton Dohrn seamount © JNCC 2009


Ana María Cabello (Spain)​
Szymon Smolinski (Poland)
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1 Ecosystem and ocean processes

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