MSEAS 2016

MSEAS Presentations

​​Link to the MSEAS Podcasts​

​​​​​​​​Monday 30 May​

​​Introduction​, Jason Link (NOAA), David C. Smith (CSIRO), Olivier Thébaud (Ifremer/UBO)​

Everything thatyou need to know about the Symposium issue​​, Howard I. Browman, Institute of Marine Research

Keynote speakers

​​Fi​​​sheries: from Clockworks to Social-Ecological Systems​​, Serge M. Garcia, Chair IUCN-CEM-FEG

Fisheries Governance in an SES System: All Things for All People orAll Things for All Creatures?​, Jake Rice, Emeritus for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Introductory talks ​

The Future ​Ocean Economy​, Torgeir Edvardsen, OECD/DSTI/IFP​

Marine Ecosystems and the Growing Ocean Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development and Science​​, Paul Holthus, World Ocean Council

The North Sea Case Sea Bottom Protection (Natura 2000 and EMFD)Fishing Industry Stakeholder Involvement​, Pim Visser, VisNed

Understanding and Managing Marine Socioecological Systems: Challenges and Prospects from the French MPA Agency standpoint, Franç​ois Gauthiez, French MPA Agency

Making the Ecosystem Approach Operational​, Mark Dickey-Collas, ICES

How can natural science and social science research be integrated into science advice so that it is useful to policy makers and the broader society?​​, Alida Bundy, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Fisheries and Oceans,  Darthmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada​​


​Tuesday 31 May

​Keynote speaker

What’s easy and hard about modelling socioecological systems, Beth Fulton, ​CSIRO, Hobart, Australi​​a​​

​​​Wednesday 1 June

​Keynote speaker

Indicators​, Linwood Pendleton, Duke University, Durham, USA/UMR AMURE, IUEM, UBO, France

Thursday 2 June

​​​Keynote​​ speakers

Adventures in Integration: Insights from interdisciplinary ​transgressions​​, Edward H. Allison, School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, Seattle, USA

Dealing with public goods and commonpool resources in marine ecosystems​​, Simon A. Levin, Princeton University, Princeton, USA

​​​​​​Friday 3 J​​​une

​​Keynote speaker​

Closing Ses​​​sion
​​​​​Presentation​, Jason Link (NOAA), David C. Smith (CSIRO), Olivier Thébaud (Ifremer/UBO)
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MSEAS Presentations

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