Human impacts on marine functional connectivity

Keynote speaker: Stephanie D'Agata

Human impacts on coastal ecosystems through scales: implications for management and adaptations

​​​Dr Stephanie D'Agata is currently a postdoctoral fellow for the Blue Justice project funded by French Foundation for the Biodiversity (FRB) and the Center for the Analysis and Synthesis of Biodiversity (CESAB) in Montpellier​.

For the past 12 years, Stephanie's research investigates human-environment interactions in coastal socio-ecosystems, with the overall objective of identifying solutions leading to the conservation of these ecosystems, while ensuring sustainability and human well-being. She uses an interdisciplinary approach integrating community and functional ecology, conservation biology, biogeography, fisheries science,​ and human ecology to characterize human-environment interactions in coastal ecosystems, particularly in the context of artisanal and subsistence fisheries.

Her approach considers the interweaving of both ecological and socio-economic scales to better understand socio-ecological systems. In practice, she integrates empirical data from ecological, environmental, fisheries, and socio-economic observations coupled with statistical modeling tools to assess direct and indirect associations between multi-scale determinants of coastal socio-ecosystem dynamics. 

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​Stephanie D’agata, Center of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology, French National Centre for Scientific Research​

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Keynote speaker: Stephanie D'Agata

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