ICES Annual Science Conference 2013

Theme sessions

The reports from the 2013 Theme Session are now available. Please see the table below.
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​Theme Session reports

Titles and descriptions



Theme Session A report

Marine litter
(co-sponsored by PICES)

Thomas Maes, UK
Dick Vethaak, the Netherlands
Francois Galgani, France
Thomas Therriault, Canada, PICES


Theme Session B report

Responses of living marine resources to climate change and variability: learning from the past and projecting the future
(co-sponsored by PICES)

William W. L. Cheung, Canada, PICES

Myron A. Peck, Germany
Vincent Saba, USA


Theme Session C report

Modelling human behaviour in models of marine ecosystems

Jan Jaap Poos, the Netherlands
Olivier Thebaud, Australia
Rolf Groeneveld, the Netherlands


Theme Session D report

Physico–chemical aspects of ocean acidification in the ICES area

David J. Hydes, UK
Jon Olafsson, Iceland
Alberto Vieria Borges, Belgium


Theme Session E report

Do foodweb dynamics matter in fisheries management?
(co-sponsored by PICES)

Anna Gårdmark, Sweden
Jason Link, USA
Michele Casini, Sweden
Ian Perry, Canada, PICES


Theme Session F report

Complexity and structure of planktonic foodwebs: who really eats whom?


Elaine Fileman, UK
Ann Bucklin , USA
Pennie Lindeque, UK
Janna Peters, Germany


Theme Session G report

Observation and monitoring needs to
support ecosystem-based management
preparing to serve the current of data coming upon us

Ingeborg de Boois, the Netherlands

Helge Sagen, Norway
Yvonne Walther, Sweden


Theme Session H report

The future of sustainable harvesting strategies

Ralf Doering, Germany
Carmen Fernández, Spain
Einar Hjörleifsson, Iceland
Anna Rindorf, Denmark


Theme Session I report

Marine spatial planning:
The multidisciplinary approach

Vanessa Stelzenmüller, Germany
Eugene Nixon, Ireland
Robert J. Brock


Theme Session J report

What's the catch? Designing and implementing statistically sound fishery sampling schemes in the real world

Jon Helge Vølstad, Norway
Mike Armstrong, UK
Paul Rago, USA


Quantitative value of coastal habitats for exploited species

Romuald Lipcius, USA
Ingrid Tulp, the Netherlands
Håkan Wennhage, Sweden


Hydrographic processes, circulation, and water mass formation in the polar and subpolar basins

Stephen Dye, UK
Hedinn Valdimarsson, Iceland
Igor Yashayaev, Canada


Theme Session M report

Identifying mechanisms linking physical climate and ecosystem change: Observed indices, hypothesized processes, and "data dreams" for the future
(co-sponsored by PICES)

Emanuele Di Lorenzo,  COVE-AP; USA, PICES

Arthur J. Miller, USA, PICES
Marc Hufnagl, Germany, ICES



Theme Session N report

The pelagic fish complexes in the North Atlantic Ocean: Distribution, productivity, and inter-specific competition during changing climate

Asta Gudmundsdottir, Iceland
David Miller, the Netherlands
Geir Huse, Norway


Theme Session O report

Advances in studying spatial distribution

Hoskuldur Bjornsson, Iceland
Sigurður Jonsson, Iceland
Sara Iverson, Canada


 Theme Session P report

An integrated approach to research surveys: monitoring with a combination of sensors

Nils Olav Handegard, Norway
David Somerton, USA
Pierre Petigas, France


Theme Session Q report

Advantages of Bayesian analysis for fisheries and ecological research

Murdoch McAllister, Canada
Allan Tucker, UK
Laura Uusitalo, Finland


Theme Session R report

Marine recreational fisheries: understanding impacts and consequences for management

Harry V. Strehlow, Germany
Kieran Hyder, UK

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Theme sessions

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