ICES Annual Science Conference 2013


The online registration is closed. Participants can still register on location at the registration desk at the Harpa Conference Centre in Reykjavik.

The registration fee will be EUR 280 for everyone apart from those who register one day only or those who are entitled to register free.
Late registration fee after 1 August 2013
​EUR 280The registration fee will be EUR 280 for everyone.

One-day fee
​EUR 80Lunch is included. The online registration system will prompt you to indicate which day you are participating.


Free registration
​EUR 80​For President, Chairs and Vice chairs of SCICOM and ACOM, ICES Journal editors, 2013 ASC theme session conveners, Outgoing Committee chairs from 2012, Outstanding Achievement Award winners, and 2012 Merit Award winners covering lunches during the five days of the conference.


Accompanying persons
​EUR 35 ​Accompanying persons fee. Covering attendance at the Opening and Closing Ceremonies and the social events on Monday and Tuesday evening. Lunches are not included, but lunch tickets will be available for sale.
What is included in the registration fee?
  • Lunches during the five days of the conference*
  • Coffee and tea during the “coffee breaks” as listed in the conference programme
  • A conference welcome bag, including the conference handbook and USB stick, the conference programme and local tourist information about Reykjavik
  • Attendance at all sessions of the main conference (except where noted)
  • The welcome reception Monday evening and the poster session on Tuesday evening

*not included in the accompanying persons registration fee.

If you are attending an ASC committee meeting at Harpa Conference Centre earlier than Monday 23 September and/or later than Friday 27 September, then please mark the extra days on the registration form. This will add EUR 16/day to your registration fee to cover the lunch.

Name badges

All registered participants, including accompanying persons, are requested to pick up their badges from the registration desk before the start of the conference and to wear them  throughout the duration ofthe conference.

Refunds policy

Requests for refunds of ICES Annual Science Conference registration fees must be made in writing to the ICES Secretariat before 31 August 2013. No-shows will not be eligible for any refunds and forfeit the registration fees paid.
If you have any questions regarding the registration fee, please contact Görel Kjeldsen or Inger Lützhøft at the ICES Secretariat.

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